Tuesday 29 September 2015

Camera shots and angles used in "North by North West" and "The Dark Knight Rises"

In this post I will be comparing shots that are used in both North by North West and The Dark Knight Rises. This is to see if modern thrillers use the same camera shots/angles to add the same effect for if they differentiate from the old classic thrillers.

My shots chosen to analyse

Tracking shot - A tracking shot is when the camera follow a character around usually left and right  (can be forward and backward) while the camera is fixed on rails/tracks.
Close up - A close up is when we can see small items or creatures. This is usually the size of a face and is used as it helps the audience see facial expressions better.
Low angle - A low angle shot is when the camera is positioned low down and looks up at whatever is in the frame. This is used to make what ever is in the frame much bigger than what it actually is.

North by North West

Firstly, a low angle shot was used showing the climb back up the monument to look much larger. This is because this camera angle therefore prevents a challenge to Roger and Eve, This adds suspense as the audience will start to think that our protagonists will fall and can not make it; we are on the edge of our seats as this life and death situation has now become a challenge. Alternatively this could suggest that as the climb seems to be a long way up, that the only way could be to go down. The audience start feeling doubtful as the protagonists and take the jump or may fall.

Secondly a close up was used to show the audience the contents of Eve's bag. She had a gun. This fills the audience with suspicion as this innocent woman is seen in another light; she could harm our protagonist. Therefore the audience start having different opinions on Eve and what she is up to, the audience are confused and suspicious. On the other hand some people may see that Roger could be in danger so Eve is prepared to protects him. This close-up leaves mixed messages so that the plot is left open. I was not able to find an image of the bag but here is an image of the shot just before and is around 80 minuets into the film.
Image result for north by northwest hotel room

Lastly a tracking shot was used to show the relationship between Roger and Eve. They were coming closer together and the tracking shot was suggesting that they are in love in one and other. Therefore this tracking shot slows down the pace of the film to focus on the two; but they cant be together for complicated reasons. This adds sadness to the audience as they want to see Roger and Eve get together as they seem so happy but they can't as they are in danger. 

The Dark Knight Rises

Firstly a low angle shot was used to also show the climb up to seem harder and bigger. This is also used to make this task look like a challenge as this angle emphasizes that not everyone is able to climb to their freedom and most of the people are trapped. Therefore this shows the audience Bane is not to be messed with as he effortlessly climbed to the top of the prison when he was a child; not even the adults could do it. Batman will have a difficult time defeating Bane if he was able to complete this challenge so the audience start to feel anxious as Batman may not be able to succeed. 
Link - Low angle shot of man climbing up

Secondly a close up was also used. The close up was to show Batman and how injured and helpless he was. It was used to to help show more detail so that the audience were able to clearly see Batman's conditions. This was used for the same effect as it opens the plot to different paths and the audience are left confused as so many events could happen from that point that will change the film. The audience may think that Batman will get up and fight for whats right or it may even be the end; this adds suspense and the audience are on the edge of their seat.

Image result for batman dark knight rises bane fight

Lastly a tracking shot was used to show the relationship between Batman and Bane. They are enemies and they despise each other so the tracking shot that follows their fight emphasizes their hate. The tracking shot enables the audience to follow the fight to see who will win and this adds suspense as we want our hero/protagonist to win. Also the shot clearly shows the audience the bad relationship between the two and this further adds suspense as it seems like this will be a dual to the end.
Image result for the dark knight rises batman and bane

Sunday 27 September 2015

Mise-en-scene in Casino Royale

In this post, I will be analyzing mise-en-scene. I have watched two different scenes in Casino Royale and I will compare the mise-en-scene used to see how James Bond is portrayed different.
Mise-en-scene consists of everything that we can see in anything filmed. This is: setting, costume, make up, lighting, props etc. 

In the first scene, when Bond is getting his double O status, the lighting is very dark; which prevents us from seeing Bond's body (this can be seen in the image below). This adds a sense of mystery as we can't see what he is holding and therefore he is seen as very mysterious and frightening. He could have a gun to kill his second target and the audience will wonder what he is planning which shows him in an evil and conniving way. However the lighting could also tell the audience how Bond is feeling. As we can not see his bond this means that we can not examine his body language; this is effective as this could show that Bond is currently emotionless so he is 100% focused on getting is double O status.

Image result for casino royale

Also is the first scene a gun prop was used which instantly tells the audience that danger is around and therefore indicates a scene of suspense and action is going to come. A gun foreshadows that their is danger, death and deceit. The first gun was pointing at Bond which makes the audience panic as the protagonist could get hurt, but the situation flips as Bond pulls a gun out on his target. At this point its very fast pace and the audience are left surprised. The use of the prop here portrays Bond as a mastermind who is extremely determined to get his double O status. As a gun was used this could reflect his determination also as a gun is a very quick and efficient way to kill someone.

Lastly, in the first scene a wide shot was used. This wide shot showed the audience the distance between Bond and his target; this means that the audience could clearly see that they are both enemies and trying to kill each other. The use of this wide shot presented Bond distant from in enemy so therefore this shows that he is really determined to get his double O status as he is prepared to do anything to kill his target. Bond is portrayed very strict and emotionless so nothing can stop him from getting him the status he deserves so he goes to make extra precautions, like distance, to ensure his success.

Alternatively, James Bond is portrayed with Mise-en-scene differently in the second scene I analysed. The lighting in the second scene was much lighter and brighter (this can be seen in the image below). As the lighting is very bright, this could explain that Bond is more innocent here as he is trying to kill his first target. He seems sloppy and inexperienced. Therefore the lighting could resemble Bonds purity before he became a killer and therefore the room is white as he may find the task hard or may not even want to really be doing it as he is taking someones life. However the lighting could also resemble the inconvenience of the two fighting there. Therefore this shows that Bond may have lost control of the situation and resulted fighting in a public bathroom where civilians could get hurt.

Image result for casino royale bathroom

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Gender representation in Mad Men

Mad Men is based in the 1960's, this therefore implies that the views of gender roles will be completely different as our society as progressed to equality. I watched season one episode one so I could analyse the gender representation of both men and women in the 1960's. 

Women representation
Firstly, they are presented as objects that are there for men to use. This therefore means that women must follow the rules: skirt must be a suitable length, must seem innocent and they must be slim and look feminine. If they do not abide to these rules then they will be judged not only by the men but also the women. This puts a lot of pressure on women to be perfect and follow the rules. This is seen when Joan Holloway (the head secretary) told Peggy to roll up her skirt a few inches. This therefore would make her skirt the suitable length and her ankles would show; this would make her look feminine. 

Secondly, women are presented as simple people who can only work simple machinery. Women are seen as only good for lower jobs or look after the family while their husband works. This means that only men are at the capability to support the family financially and only they can do complicated jobs and work complicated equipment; showing that women are stupid or that they would be seen as to masculine. This is shown once again by Joan as she told Peggy that the equipment looks complicated but "even a woman could use it".

Lastly, they seem to always be trying to please the men. As they are presented as inferior to men, they look up to them to see which man would make the best husband so they can settle down and have children. This therefore means that  the women try to please the men so they could attract them which presents women badly as they are shown to be very promiscuous, easy and cunning. They seem to be using the men as tools. We are shown this in the strip club scene. This was the only place where the men where not in control and the women had a firm grip on them; meaning that the different side of them was shown.

Men representation
Men are also presented negatively in Mad Men. They are presented very rude towards women and they have a lack of respect for them. This therefore means that all men are presented that they think they are much better than women and they degrade them to the lower jobs or to look after their family. They use women as sexual objects and if they do not oblige then they are judged for disrespecting the men; making the men look very heartless. This is shown when Pete Campbell says to Peggy that he is "working [his] way up from the ankles". This is degrading for Peggy but also Pete is getting married soon as that shows his disrespect for his engagement.

Another representation of men is that they are masculine, powerful and independent. This is because this is how they have to be seen otherwise they will be judged as the men also have the pressure to fit in. If the men are not masculine, many women would avoid them also it shows weakness; they would not be able to maintain a family. Evidence of this is when Don Draper defended Peggy from Pete. Don challenged Pete's masculinity and Peggy was immediately attracted to Don as he was superior.

Further evidence of this can be seen in the image above. This image shows all the main character; their positioning and body language really reflects their personality. However, all the men seem to be portraying masculinity and dominance over the woman. None of the men seem to be individual and this could show the act they are putting up as they also need to fit is society. 

In conclusion, Mad Men does represent gender roles as they was in the 1960's that are negative for both men and women. There are some major differences to the present like the strict rules to follow and the disrespect towards women have gone. However there are some things that do seem to be similar to the present like the constant need to fit in with society.

Tuesday 15 September 2015


The Brief

 Foundation Portfolio: The Brief 

You have been asked to produce the titles and opening sequence of a new fiction film in the thriller genre.

The sequence should last a maximum of two minutes.
You may work in a group of 2 - 4 students.
As acting is not assessed you are free to use actors that are not members of your group.
The film is worth 60% of your coursework grade.
The accompanying blog is worth 40% of your coursework grade

Together the Foundation Portfolio is worth 50% of the overall AS Level. 

My welcome post

My name is Louis Russell and this is my blog about work i'm doing in AS media. my current lessons are media, psychology, business studies and biology. I'm taking media as its interesting and can give me extra knowledge that could help me in the future. I don't currently know what i want to do when I'm older as a career but it will roughly be round media and psychology.

Favourite TV shows/series - Criminal Mind, Eastenders, Game of Thrones, Big Bang Theory, How i met your mother, Friends, Melissa and Joey, South park, Family guy.
Favourite movies - Harry Potter, The hunger games, Grown ups 1 and 2, Melissa Mccarthy films like: Tammy, The heat, Identity thief, Spy.
In my spare time i Play games on my playstation and watch a lot of youtube videos. My favourite you tubers are: Pewdiepie, Joe Sugg, Caspar Lee, Emma Blackery and her gaming channel - Birdyboots, Explosm Entertainment.
Social media i use - Facebook, Instagram, Vine, BBM, Skype