Sunday 18 October 2015

Sound exercise evaluation

In our sound exercise we needed to use different sound techniques so we could get a better understanding. We was able to use most of the techniques which include:

  • diegetic
  • non-diegetic
  • on-screen
  • off-screen
  • parallel
  • contrapuntal 
  • sound bridge
So firstly there was diegetic sound which was dialogue and natural sound like the door opening and Sarah falling off her chair. The dialogue was calm and happy at the beginning as the tone was neutral and the content was happy too. This is effective as a sequence is mooring without dialogue and natural sound. This is because the scene will have no content 

Secondly, we used non diegetic music. This music was happy and upbeat as the girls were talking and catching up with each other so their mood as happy. Therefore this makes the music parallel as both the mood and music fit together. This is effective as the whole scene will fit together and also so the audience know how they should feel.

However the mood changed between the girls as there was tension when Sarah was being sassy; the music carried on being upbeat but as the mood between the characters was different, this would therefore make the music contrapuntal. This is effective as the music is what made the scene feel more comical and funny. If the music was not contrapuntal then if would make the scene more serious but in reality its just a silly squabble between two girls.

We used on-screen as there was dialogue, falling sound and chair squeaks. On screen sound is important so the audience can see the source of the sound. If you can't see the source then the sequence can be confusing as we do not know the content of what is happening. So when Sarah fell of her chair this was important to see as if that sound was off screen we would not know what happened so this is effective as we get to see and understand the confrontation between Sarah and Shelby.

We also used off screen sound when Shelby came through the door and walked through the room. We was able to hear the door and footstep but we decided it was more effective to view Sarah as she was doing her work so we had no need to see Shelby. Off screen sound is used so the universe of the film is expanded to what the audience watch will seem and feel more realistic and that is why we used off-screen sound.

Lastly we needed to use a sound bridge. We did not use a sound bridge as we only had one setting and one scene so there was no other scene to use a sound bridge link. A sound bridge is used to maintain continuity between to scenes so the overall sequence runs more smoothly; but this is only used to link two scenes and we only had one. If we did have more scenes to link together we would have used a sound bridge and it would have been the music running over.

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