Tuesday 24 November 2015

First production meeting: ideas generation

In this post i will be talking about our thriller opening idea and how our group of three has developed these ideas

First idea - romance/psychological thriller
This idea is set in American prison and is about a man and a woman (who is a police officer) who have been in a relationship but it all crashed down when the man made her have an abortion. This pushed the woman to the limit and she snapped and got him on death row. She done this by murdering someone and pinning the blame on the man, however she changes her mind and tries to save him by using all her power to stop his execution but not getting the blame on herself. 
some costumes that will be used will be police uniforms and orange overalls for prisoners. some of the props that will be used include - knives, necklaces, guns etc.
We thought this was a good thriller as it connects with the audience as we end up sympathizing for the villain as she has reached her ultimate low point. Furthermore there would be a lot of suspense and action to interest the audience but give them a shock too. Lastly we thought this would be a good thriller as it is more girly so people who prefer these films will be more interested but they still get a shock and suspense.

Second idea - crime thriller
This idea is set in a rural part (east) London and is about two girls who are socializing and hanging out in a field. One girl (Sarah) is spooked by rustling in the bushes and hears a twig break. The other girl (Shelby) dismisses her fear and they carry on with what they were doing but are then spooked once again and start to run. The girls then start to run for their lives as they have realised they are being chased; Shelby outruns Sarah so she is left behind and after a while Shelby try's looking for Sarah but fails. Shelby then gives up and goes come to find Sarah is dead on the floor in the bedroom.
The costumes would be just casual girl clothing that they may wear on a daily occasion, then the stalker will wear black/dark clothing like a track suit and hoodie - they will also have a mask. The props will be a photo and knife
We thought this was a good thriller opening as it is slow at the beginning so the audience really start to connect with the characters so when they die, its a huge shock. This is our use of a McGuffin as these girls have no relevance to future events. Also this is a good opening as its plain and simply so we as a group can easily film so all our hard work can go into the filming so the overall opening will look so much better.

Last idea - action thriller
This idea is set in two places at once, a bank and a high end luxury home. What happens in this opening is that it switches between two people who are married. The wife is having a good day at home where she may be cooking, cleaning and looking after the children while the husband is preparing a bank heist on the other side of town. The husband has picked his crew members the take part but commotion is caused when someone jealous complains he was not picked for the job; he has some mental issues so he travels to the wife where she gets murdered.
The costumes that will be used will be would be some heist clothing like black combat outfits and masks etc. and the wife may be wearing a designer dress. The props that will be use will be a necklace that was stolen in the heist, guns, other jewelry. 
We thought this idea was good as the idea of two story lines happening at the same time could interest the audience more and they could easily feel the connection between the two. Also another reason is that the wife's death could be seen as unexpected so having this shock and suspense would make this idea a good thriller.

Our group has decided to go with idea 2 as its simply, easy and has so much potential. This idea could become a really good thriller if we do this correctly; also this idea seems to be similar to other popular thrillers but is different and unique.
Here are some images of our group in the process of making and developing our ideas.