Friday 11 March 2016

Evaluation Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media production?

Our presumed audience would be 16-24 middle/working class. This is because this is roughly our age group and would mostly understand the content of the thriller. However, just to make sure I posted a survey on "Survey Monkey" to get true feedback and here are the results.

The majority of respondents are under the age of 18 and just over (18-24). Our target audience make up for than 3/4 of this survey so later results may reflect what this age group may prefer.

The most popular film genre is comedy followed by horror. The reasoning behind this result is that all age groups enjoy comedy's and that is why its most popular. Horror is the second most popular as younger people enjoy horror films much more, therefore the 3/4 of young people most likely picked horror and comedy (and a few others) whereas those older than 24 opted for comedy and some of the others

The most popular conventions where suspense and crime. This is great as these are the two main conventions in our thriller, proving that those who took the questionnaire will watch our thriller and could enjoy it. Youth themes is most likely least popular as those other 18 may not enjoy these themes and those who are under 18 may not like these themes as they are represented negatively.

As you can see, our true audience is those who are under 18 (they are around 16/17) and we know this as the majority who answered the survey were under 16 and we can clearly see that all the conventions in the last chart are popular. Furthermore Horror was the second favored film and thriller was third; our film is a thriller/horror so these results also confirm who would watch our film. You may be thinking that the older people may have selected horror and thriller along with the conventions, but they did not (with some exception) as I watched as the results came in. When a under 16 or 18-24 submitted a survey, the score for horror thriller and the conventions went up. Therefore I can conclude from this survey that the majority audience will be 16-24. We also know this will be our audience due to feedback from asking people and from those who watch the thriller (from screening).

After this survey I went out to ask people (those who were the majority in the survey) why would they watch our thriller. Here is a collage of works that sums up what they said...


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