Friday 5 February 2016

Analysis of rough cut and audience feedback

A rough cut is the beginning of a film/clip that is simple and has no transitions, effects or non-diegetic sound. The rough cut that we made is successful as it has no transitions and effects but still represents what the thriller will be like very well. I feel the rough cut was successful as without the use of some crucial tools needed to make a thriller, there is still a sense of suspense. However thee was room for improvement as there are some mistake made. This is because we rushed the rough cut as some group members were not in at the time so we had less people to do the work load.

The process we done to edit the rough cut was taking all the footage, cutting it down to the right timing so other dialogue/scenes were cut out and then putting all the footage together. This is a single process as we don't need to put in anything else is its only a rough cut.

Some of the audience feedback that we got was that it seems very exciting and chilling; they said they looked forward to seeing the completed thriller. This is great feedback as the rough cut is mainly used for showing the ideas of a thriller to see if it will be any good or successful. Therefore our rough cut and the feedback means that we feel confident about our actual thriller.

However some feedback was negative. When we was editing the rough cut we did not notice that we cut one clip to long so we heard the director talking. The audience then said that we need to improve our editing skills otherwise the completed thriller may not be as good. This little blooper was a minor fault that we can easily avoid if we make sure we double check our work. Furthermore another clip was cut to short so the scream was too short. This was also another mistake that made that could easily be avoided.

Other negative feedback was one scene was too long. This was the one where the characters are walking down a long path; the only reason why it was too long was because this is were we plan to put our titles. Therefore we made that scene long so we got a rough idea on timing and where to exactly put the titles.

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