Tuesday 9 February 2016

Editing 1

The first time we started to edit, we successfully created our rough cut and then started to add transitions, effects and other sounds. This was the start of our thriller that was slowly coming together.

So to start of with the rough cut, i collected all of the footage and imported it in. Then scenes that were not good enough (first takes) were deleted so they were not confused with the good footage. Once all footage was imported i individually cut them down so they didn't have any dialect that was not needed and so scenes were correct. All clips were then put together with no effects and transitions so we just had a simple running sequence that was our rough cut. This was exported and put onto our blogs.

After the rough cut was finished i started to add transitions, effects, music and messed around with the order of some clips so it was ready for the titles. This was the starting point of the actual thriller as in this one editing session, the final half of the thriller was complete and just needed a few tweaks later on. The first half of the footage was split up so the titles could be slot in-between later on and so the story could fit together better to make a little more sense. We done this but repeating some clips, reversing some and moving them to other placed.

below is a picture of me editing

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