Wednesday 13 January 2016

Audience feedback

After we presented our ideas to the class they gave us some feedback to help make our opening better. They gave us feedback on all three ideas and here is what they had to say:

Romance thriller- firstly they said that this could potentially be hard to film because how will we be able to make the setting look like a prison as we cant just go film in one. Therefore this was a main problem we faced. As well as the filming being difficult they also said that the film seems very complicated. This could mean that we may get confused while filming but also the viewers may not understand what is happening. 
However the audience did say that if we could pull this off then it would be a thriller as it would have lots of suspense and make people on edge. 

Action thriller- the audience seemed very positive about this idea and thought that it was easy to film but still could be really good. They further went on to say that this opening has more suspense than the first idea so this would make a better thriller. Lastly they said that the thriller opening is very good as it has the conventions that we need to include, like a cliffhanger and mcguffin. They said that we used these convention well and will make the thriller really good. So overall the audience thought this idea was great and couldn't point out anything majorly wrong with it. 

Horror thriller- this idea had mixed feelings as some people thought that this idea would have loads of suspense and would be a great thriller while some people thought that this idea was weak and it needed something added to make it better/tidy it up. As the audience were divided they had different opinions however they all agreed that this idea was really good and if it was edited and changed around it could possible be a great idea and just like a real thriller. But the idea is complicated and could be hard to film as we need to film in a bank and a luxury house which could be hard to find.

Here is an image of two members of our group present our ideas while I was recording down what the audience said (a scribe).

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