Saturday 30 January 2016

Camera technique evaluation

In our camera technique exercise, we had to show that we could use a variety of camera shots and angles. These where:
  • Long shot
  • Close up
  • Medium shot
  • High angle 
  • Pan 
  • Rolling shot 
  • Low angle
  • Tilt 
  • point of view
In the exercise we tried to use all of these camera shots and angles however we failed to use a close up and a low angle. this is because for the context of the idea we did not know how to fit these shots in. This does not mean we do not know how to use these but we struggled to fit them in. All other shots and angles we did use and the most effective and better ones are the point of view, rolling shot and high angle.

Firstly a point of view shot is when the camera is showing you a view from a characters eyes; so the audience see what they see. This shot was effective as it shows the journey that our characters are taking and how much they are trying to find their friend. This is further effective as the audience can follow along with the character and feel apart of the clip, this means the audience are more likely to feel the emotions of the characters.

Secondly a rolling shot is when the camera is fixed in a position but rotates so the images is either upside down or on its side. We effectively used a rolling shot when shelby is walking through a gate outside. The reason this is effective is because it shows that she is confide as where she is join and because she doesn't know where her friend is. Therefore the audience can easily see the emotions of this character just by the career shot.

Lastly a high angle is when the camera is positioned high up so any character or item looks smaller so essentially weaker and more vulnerable. We used this effectively as the two high angles we used make the character look smaller so she did seem weak. This was done so it shows the character is weak with our her friend so that is why she is desperately searching for her.

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